last updated: 28 Jan 2021
In the unlikely event of you not being completely satisfied with MoneyWiz, you can have a refund for your MoneyWiz purchase. Our refunds policy varies depending on what platform you bought MoneyWiz. The reason for this difference is that the payment facilitators (such as Apple's App Store, Google Play etc) have different rules.
If you made a purchase via our website you can get a full refund within 30 days of your purchase. Just send us your order number via email and we'll issue the refund.
If you made your purchase via the Google Play Store in the last 30 days - to claim a refund, please e-mail us at with your Google Play Store e-mail address, and we'll refund your purchase within 24 hours.
This section is for you if you:
For purchases made via Apple's App Store, the refund process is handled by Apple exclusively. Apple's policy on iTunes App Store refunds differs from country to country and in our experience they usually issue or deny refunds on a case-by-case basis. Usually though, refunds for purchases made in the last 30 days are granted. Unfortunately we have no control over the refunds for purchases made via the iTunes App Store so the refunds remain entirely at Apple's discretion.
NOTICE: Please be aware that you may not be able to re-purchase apps that you have previously purchased and refunded. While Apple doesn't have an official statement about this, several customers have already reported it.
Please follow these steps if you'd like to request a refund for your purchase from Apple:
1. To request a refund, you can contact the AppStore from one of these two links:
For Mac Apps:
For iOS Apps:
2. Click Get Started.
3. For iOS - Click “iTunes Store, App Store or iBooks Store” and for Mac choose “Purchases, Billing & Redemption”. And then any of the topics listed there that sounds close to Billing.
An Apple representative will be in contact with you to verify your Apple ID and purchase history and to further assist you with the refund.
Refunding an in-app purchase (subscription) follows the same rules as refunding the MoneyWiz purchase itself. It depends on where you bought the subscription. Once you establish that, please just follow the steps described above to request a refund.
Please, bear in mind that once we refunded your purchase, you can no longer use or update MoneyWiz.
We reserve the right to refuse refunds when you request a refund, then repurchase and request another refund shortly after. This policy is to prevent people using MoneyWiz for 29 days, requesting a
refund, then repurchasing it and using it again for 29 days etc, essentially
ending up using all of our services for free while incurring
cost for us. If we granted you a refund once, please beware that we will likely refuse to grant another refund if it has been less than 12 months since the previous refund was issued.
If you still have questions about our refunds policy and money back guarantee, feel free to e-mail us at
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